The perfect fit is what you expect when you choose a new pair of running shoes. You have probably made do with ill-fitting running shoes in the past. No doubt you have experienced some of the real downsides of having a shoe that is not the perfect fit. Bruising, rubbing, blisters and pain are all some of the pitfalls of a bad fit. The thing is, the perfect fit shoe for your friend or family member, might be a dreadful fit for you. Here are some expert tips for choosing your perfect fit shoes.
The Shoe Itself
Shoes have an anatomy, just like your foot. They have different parts and each part interacts with the foot in a different way. For example, consider the ankle. It definitely matters what fabric is around the ankle. This can be soft or hard, supportive or loose. Therefore, make sure that you can get a comfortable fit. It is also important that the ankle has a full range of motion and that the shoes do not restrict this. The shoe should support the ankle, not force it to move in a particular way. The upper, sole and bottom all form different elements of the shoe which are important to the way it works for you. Consider all parts of the shoe. Initially you may not know a really good shoe for you, but you will know a bad shoe. If a shoe feels in anyway uncomfortable, try something else.
Wiggle Room
There is one overriding issue when people go to buy new running shoes. It is that they buy shoes that are too small for them. Adults tend to buy shoes that are too small, thinking that they will stretch over time. With running shoes, today is what matters and they should fit you well now. Increasingly running shoes are made from knitted fabric so they have areas all over the shoe where they can stretch a tiny amount to mould to your feet. Shoes of the past may have had more stretch and the habit of getting out of shape. This is not the same for modern running shoes, so finding your perfect fit is at least a little easier. Make sure you can wiggle all of your toes. From your toes to the shoes end should be around half an inch or 1.5cm, to avoid impact when running.
Cushion and Flex Yourself
There are so many types of running shoes with a wide range of cushioning. In the end, when you run, your foot experiences impact and this can cause unnecessary pain. With cushioning, there is a reduction in potential pain for better foot health. Cushioning can be anywhere in and around your shoe. From the ankle to the toe area, the soles and the heel, protection is there. You may like to run as if on a fluffy cloud or you might prefer to have more connection to the ground. Either way, choose cushioning for you in all the right places. However, do ensure that your foot can flex and move without barriers. You can go overboard with padding. Top tip- if your shoe loosens over time a little, try an insole. There are hundreds of different types to add more cushioning.
Where You Run
Where you run is a very important element to your shoe choice. Running on a treadmill or out in urban areas on pavements is one thing. If you take the pace outdoor on trails, paths or offroad, it is something quite different. You will find that different shoes do offer different elements to tackle your running surface. Some will offer more shock absorption and others may benefit from more padding to counteract this. It is worth taking this into account when you buy your shoes. If you run on multiple surfaces, there are shoes that can flex to work wherever you are too. The most important thing is protecting your feet and if this is a factor to help with that, then it is worth remembering.
The Cost
Some people want the perfect fit running shoes whatever the price. For other people they will definitely have a budget in mind. In the end, you know what you can afford to pay; just remember that your foot health may rely on this decision. If you are training for a marathon or other event, then whether you can compete and finish the race may rely on your running shoes. Some people will find the perfect fit more cheaply and for others they will be more expensive. There will be great fitting shoes at a price you can afford. This is so long as you remember that buying running shoes is not the same as buying a pair of cheap trainers. You are making an important investment in yourself.
Replacing Your Running Shoes
Running shoes have longevity. They are not cheap shoes that will wear out after a bit of use. However, you do need to remember that they will not last forever. Anything can happen to running shoes from accidents like tears to sole damage or loss of elasticity. Clean and maintain your running shoes regularly and look after them. You will then see when an issue comes along and they need replacing. Do not forget that your foot can also experience small changes over time that mean your perfect fit running shoe is no longer a perfect fit. Bear this in mind to ensure you have a comfortable and supportive fit at all times. A perfect fit shoe is not one that lasts a lifetime, it is one that is right in the here and now.
There is no question over whether it matters what running shoes you get. Protecting your feet with the perfect fit is your number one consideration. Remember, it may not be perfect first time, so keep on trying until you find the right one. Make pain and discomfort a thing of the past with the perfect fit running shoes for you. The right running shoes can make a huge impact on daily running, regular workouts and ultra marathons alike. Get the perfect fit for your own needs and make your new running shoes your own, but do not forget to tread carefully!